Dear Leaders: Love 'em in 2022
Dear Fellow Leaders:
No matter where you fall in your organization’s hierarchy, I’m talking to you!
We thought 2021 was going to kick COVID’s butt…we were wrong. COVID decided to run a different offense and isn’t even following the Greek alphabet in order (it’s bugging me).
So, since the possession clock is still tipped more toward us being on defense, I want to ask you to add love into your leadership theory. Weird request? Maybe, but hear me out. Your squads are attempting to dodge a stealth virus, keep their families and themselves mentally and emotionally strong, and likely still moving mountains for you at work. I’m not talking about the Hallmark movie kind of love, although companionship and partnership is important. (And I may or may not have watched every Hallmark move while wrapped in my new Hallmark snuggie, courtesy of my kids/glam-kids.) I’m talking about the type of leadership that ensures you are considering the impact to the humans who work with and for you.
I have studied leadership theory for decades as part of both my formal education and personal evolution and have yet to find a theory that explicitly calls out love. I value and respect the work on systems frames, leadership traits, equity solutions, etc. But none of those theories or frameworks are sustainable without caring for the humans who have to work within them and power them. None of those leadership theories consider what we may be dealing with outside of the workplace. As much as we want life’s issues to park themselves at the workplace door, that’s not realistic. Our teams are humans managing real lives and real issues. They’re also experiencing some bright spots, despite the challenges of the past two years. So, are you showing love by celebrating with your squads too?
When I took my first executive role about six years ago, I was intentional about reminding myself to use my powers for good and not evil. Power and success does change you, but you get to determine how that change manifests itself. I chose to focus on showing kindness, bringing joy to the workplace, clearly communicating, and giving grace when things didn’t go as planned. That’s love disaggregated. Yep, my nerd is sticking out. You’re welcome.
What has the execution of love and leadership looked like for me? Here are a few quick examples from simple to a bit more nuanced. Buying heart-shaped pizzas on Valentine’s Day for my staff. Heck. I’m single, so they all got to be my Valentine! Having high expectations, giving clear and timely feedback, and providing professional development, if needed. Clearly communicating my vision and shifting gears if things aren’t landing quite the way we planned. Giving people the chance to lead and grow. I’m already the leader by hierarchy, so I don’t need to be the mouthpiece for my team in every situation. Giving accolades and giving credit where it’s due. Ensuring my team is taking time off. We’re all tired, so PTO is a benefit that should be used!
To be clear, this is not a post about you doing one more thing to boost productivity and build a high performing team. This is about ensuring that as leaders you are doing your best to take care of the people that are working hard right alongside you. Some may scoff and say that showing love will lead to weak teams and lack of respect for leaders. Nah. No matter the type of relationship, love builds trust, better communication, and a foundation that withstands the storm. Why would I not want that for my team? One day I will write an in-depth book about this, but for now, remember that you’re only as strong as the team behind you. When is the last time you looked over your shoulder?
Love ‘em and lead ‘em. You got this. May you all kick much butt in 2022.
“Empowered by ancestral hustle and warrior soul.”
*All statements expressed in this blog are my personal views and not a representation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.